Dongfeng strength card flat truck frame low, carrying capacity, long service life. Front wheel can turn up to 90 °, corner, in construction road uneven circumstances, can keep all tires also touchdown, guarantee the chassis and the tyres, ensure reasonable force equilibrium contained the safety equipment. Vehicle equipped with the foot brake system and the hand brake braking. Install special mechanical semi-automatic vehicle tail ladder, caterpillar engineering equipment may make the fluctuation platform (without any other hookon equipment and auxiliary tools) link with the main car directly connected.
Dongfeng strength plate HouWeiDeng, brake lights with vehicle lights, fall, so the light lamp, with the main car tail lights connect instructions can be. Truck platform tail opened a maintenance gap as maintenance, refueling, change a tire. Set aside.
60, 70, 80 excavator trailer | low flat truck
Product name: CLW5050TPB type slab carriers envelop dimensions (mm) : 6920,6810 x 23.7 x 2480
Chassis models: EQ1056GD3JAC cargo compartments size (mm) : -
Total mass quantity: (kg) 5095 close/leave ° Angle (19/11,19/12)
Rated quality: (kg) 1800 before hanging/suspension (mm) : 1032/2088,1032/1978
Servicing quality: (kg) 3,100 top speed (km/h) : 90
Emissions standards: -
Chassis parameters
Chassis models: EQ1056GD3JAC fuel types: diesel
Axis count: two former wheel distance (mm) : 1506
Axial distance (mm) : after 3800,4050 from (mm) : wheel 165
Cab take toll: 3 spring piece count: 12/12 + 9
Wheel tires count: 6 axis lotus: 1730/3365
Tire specifications: 825-16
The vehicle explanation: presidents and the corresponding relations suspension for: presidents 2088mm 6920mm corresponding 6810mm suspension suspension with corresponding 1978mm.
Engine parameters
Engine type engine production enterprise displacement (ml) power (kw)
YN33CR CY4102 - C3D YC4BJ115-33 chengdu cloud inside power limited company dongfeng chaoyang diesel engine limited liability company guangxi yuchai machine Co., LTD 3298 3856 3983 79 80 85
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