Shenzhou advertising identity
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Shenzhou advertising identity
The Shenzhou advertising logo is a modern sign industry set identifies the program design, production, installation services as one of the leading companies. The company has first-class production equipment and professional production plant, signage production, specialization, standardization, modularity. Can be customized according to customer needs personalized. Each Shenzhou employees go hand in hand, and committed to build the company into the advertising industry's most influential and most cost-effective logo design company, as well as product manufacturing and processing enterprises. Our clients come from all sectors of society, involving educational institutions, commercial areas, c...
MainProduct:Logo signs; Medals; Road flag; Luminous characters; Flowers and licensing; Plating digital; System of licensing; Badges
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Zhengzhou Medals production
The Zhengzhou logo plate production
Contact Information 
Shenzhou advertising identity
Add:Yufeng Lu, Zhengzhou City, on the 8th the Zhongyuan advertising market in Henan advertising material market on the 17th A     Zip:450003
Contact Person:ping     Tel:0371-69160990     
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沪ISP证:B2-20060022     沪ICP证:B2-20060070     沪ICP证:B2-20070060