Known as the home of the original oriental carpet, Iran (Persia) the oldest and once most powerful empire
in the Middle East, stood at the crossroads of Eastern and Western civilizations. It is hard to say when the
carpets were first made in Persia, but by the fifth century BC carpet making had reached a high artistic level in
Persian carpets are traditionally known for their tremendous variety in design( Mainly the designs can be classified into 3 categories: geometric design, curvilinear and floral designs,
and pictorial design, color, size, and weave. Old Persian carpets usually used natural dyes such as minerals,
plant leaves , roots, barks, and so on. Indigo, madder, ?larkspur, and walnut peels are most popular dyes. Moreover, they are known for the uniqueness of each
and every rug produced. Rugs are generally named after the village, town or district where they are woven
or collected, or by the weaving tribe in the case of nomadic pieces. Each rug's particular pattern, palette,
and weave are uniquely linked with the indigenous culture, and weaving techniques are specific to
an identifiable geographic area or nomadic tribe.
The workshops in large cities were an important factor in the past, much of today's production is from
cottage industry lines in small villages and towns.
Persian carpets and rugs have always been and still are an intrinsic part of Iranian culture and its people's
daily lives. Indeed, Persians carpets and rugs are in many cases the most valued possessions for Iranians
and they are an integral part of their home. The Persian carpet has received international acknowledgment
for its artistic splendor. In palaces, famous building, rich homes and museums throughout the world a Persian
carpet is amongst the most treasured possessions.