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Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company
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Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company
Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company
Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company
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Place or Origin: zhengzhou
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Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company
        Food is, where are all these words of truth. Came to South Africa more than a month, eat a lot of Chinese food and Western food, but South Africa was not much contact with local food, arrived in South Africa some time ago, life's a little unhappy. Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company with a peer's words, "looked out the window of Xuerou (dogs name) lazily enjoying the sun, but I do not feel sunny day here." But when you get used to the pace of life in South Africa after the foraging will become inevitable.

Ostrich meat as "iron beef"

        As the largest land area still retains the original ecological environment, so there are many wild animals in South Africa, all kinds of game is the specialty here. South Africa's game usually is the wild antelope and warthog (similar to wild boar) meat. Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company in South Africa because now comes the winter, it is hunting season, so the meat of the more common. "As long as legitimate, can be found here." Local Chinese Chen with a smile said, "I suggest you to try ostrich, crocodile steak or warthog volume, taste very good."

         In a restaurant waiting for about half an hour, two dishes - ostrich and alligator steak and serve, but rather let us down. Ostrich egg handicraft wholesale company that is the ostrich, looks like an iron plate beef, and because sprinkled with black pepper sauce, so you can almost taste the ostrich and beef What's the difference; more magical or crocodile steak, wrapped in flour and then fried outside, crocodile meat and fried chicken pieces, how can he tell?

The zhengzhou jinshui district ostrich egg handicraft
Add:Zhengzhou jinshui district ostrich egg handicraft, the sale, the perennial ostrich egg, ostrich egg handicraft,, ostrich feathers, an ostrich, order 13223015513, mobile phone E-mail conversation, Internet qq358106783     Zip:450000
Contact Person:zong xu     Tel:13213211483     Fax:8637169126869

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